by Jon Morrow from SmartBlogger

At the ÜberCreatives we believe in the importance of original content. We also believe in giving the best advice, tips, and information that we can, especially from those who we consider absolute experts in their field. One such expert is Jon Morrow. The founder of SmartBlogger and already a legend, he regularly gives top advice about writing excellent copy, blogging and standing out from the crowd. The importance of consistency and pure willpower from a man unable to move anything but his face. Here are his top 600 power words to pack your headlines and writing with a punch!
by Jon Morrow from SmartBlogger
Power words are like a “cheat code” for giving your writing an emotional punch. Sprinkle in a few, and you can instantly transform your writing from dull and boring to sizzling with personality.
And the best part:
You can use them anywhere.
If you’re writing an article or essay, you can use power words to hook readers. If you’re creating a marketing piece, you can use power words to increase conversions. Even in your personal life, using power words can make you seem strong or powerful.
It’s strange that a certain type of word can have such a profound effect, but they do, and here’s why:
The more emotion your writing makes readers feel, the more engaged they will be. Power words are a shortcut to sparking that emotion.
And in this post, you’ll learn how to use them like a kung fu master. Specifically:
Let’s jump in.
What are Power Words?
Power words are persuasive, emotional words that trigger a positive or negative response. They can make us feel scared, encouraged, aroused, angry, greedy, safe, or curious. Authors, copywriters, and content marketers use “power words” to spice up their content and compel audiences to take action.
Clear as mud?
Let’s deconstruct an example from the great Winston Churchill. All the power words are underlined:We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind. We have before us many, many long months of struggle and of suffering. You ask, what is our policy? I can say: It is to wage war, by sea, land and air, with all our might and with all the strength that God can give us; to wage war against a monstrous tyranny, never surpassed in the dark, lamentable catalogue of human crime. That is our policy. You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word: It is victory, victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory, however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival.
Inspiring, right?
Well, there was a lot on the line. Under attack from Germany, Britain was fighting for its survival, and somehow, someway, Churchill had to find a way to inspire his countrymen to greatness.
He chose words. Or, to be more accurate, power words.
Each underlined word makes the audience feel something.
In this case, Churchill intermixes words that cause fear, such as “struggle,” “tyranny,” and “terror,” with words that cause hope, such as “strength,” “God,” and “victory.” The last, in particular, is repeated over and over, practically drilling the emotion into the minds of the audience.
It’s no accident.
Power Words = Emotional Words Packed with Persuasion
Smart speakers, as well as their speechwriters, sprinkle their speeches with carefully-chosen power words drenched in sensory details, drawing the audience from one emotion to another as skillfully as any novelist or screenwriter.
And it goes beyond speakers and storytellers.
Emails, resumes, blog posts, sales copy, and proposals are all designed to influence the reader in some way. You want to pass along information, yes, but you also want the reader to feel a certain way about that information.
Maybe you want to impress them, get them excited, make them cautious, get them angry, encourage them to keep going, or any number of emotions. The better a job you do at making them feel, the more influential you are, and the better your chances of getting what you want.
Looking for a quick way to give your writing more punch?
Maybe add a little personality or pizzazz — that extra little “oomph” that makes your reader pay attention?
Want to bring your ideas to life, to make them take up residence in the mind of the reader, lurking in the background, tugging, pulling, and cajoling their emotions until they think and feel exactly as you want?
Then you need to infuse your content with power words.
- Fear Power Words
- Encouragement Power Words
- Lust Power Words
- Anger Power Words
- Greed Power Words
- Safety Power Words
- Forbidden Power Words
We’ve organized our power words into seven different types, which all accomplish the same goal: Each elicits emotion in your reader.
Let’s go over each type and see why they work.
Intrigued? Continue reading here: